Sunday, May 19, 2019


By camlinknews
Mrs. SYLVIA NVENGU ACHANYI affectionately known as “Syl” was born in Mamfe, South West Region of Cameroon to Pa. James Achanyi Fontem and Mrs. Thecla Annaze Achanyi. She was the 4th of 7 children in the family and she left behind her a 15-year old daughter Annaze Achanyi. Silvia schooled in several places and developped entrepreneurial skills, which made her distinct as a motivated and brave woman of the- Reception at Achanyi Fontem’s Family Residence in Grand Hangar-Bonaberi Funeral celebration SINGING & DANCING by different meeting groups society as far as business is concerned. Before coming to Douala from Mamfe, she cared for her grand grand mother, Mammy Mafua Emenkeng Fotabong-ancheu for three good years. Mafua Emenkeng passed into transition at the age of 105 years. Due to the insecurity and health problems, she arrived Douala and joined the family, where she struggled survive to no avail, until she passed away at the LA QUINTINE HOSPITAL on Tuesday, 14th May 2019. Seasons will come, and seasons will go, but Silvia will forever remain in the Hearts of many. APPRECIATION The ACHANYI FONTEM Family wishes to use this opportunity to express their profound gratitude to the Almighty God who gave them a very loving and caring daughter, sister and wife. The Family thanks each and every one for the wonderful support, unending words of comfort and encouragement, courage and strength during this period of grief. The Family of ACHANYI FONTEM extends a message of 1.000 times “Thank You To All For Their Financial, Material and moral Support during the hard time of the loss of their daughter SATURDAY. 18th May 2019 08:00 - ARRIVAL OF THE FAMILY MEMBERS AND OTHERS AT THE BONASSAMA DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOR REMOVAL OF CORPSE 09:00 - REMOVAL OF CORPS FROM BONASSAMA MORTUARY 10:00 - Mass at St. Peter’s Parish in Grand Hangar - Bonaberi offered by Rev. Fr. Hilair - Blessing of the Corpse by Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Hilair 11:00 - Laying of corpse at Ach anyi Fontem Family Home, Grand Hangar for short visitation by public - Carrying of corpse from Achanyi Fontem Family Resident to BONABRI Burial Ground (This is opposite St. Albrt Catholic Parish) 12:00 - Reception at Achanyi Fontem’s Family Residence in Bloc 5, Grand Hangar-Bonaberi, Douala City neighbourhood - Funeral celebration were full of SINGING & DANCING by different meeting groups